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Meet the Team - Jacque Tongko

Get to know a little more about each of the International Vacation Home Exchange team.  In this post we have a fun interview with Jacque Tongko in Member Services.

Tell us a little about yourself? 
Suzie, Jacque, Milina and Larry

I love to be surrounded by people that make me happy. I try to meet people who are positive, love what life brings, and love to laugh as it changes my whole world. I also love travelling because it brings happiness! I get the chance to go to places that I never thought could exist. And more than anything else, I love my family and friends!

What exactly do you do with
With, I execute different roles every day. I am responsible for membership promotions and sales.  I manage member accounts and ensure they are up to date.  I provide great welcome services to new members and provide valuable advice to existing and potential members to ensure that everyone has the best possible experience.

What makes you smile while working with
There are a lot of events that make me smile while working with IVHE, there are three that stand out the most. First, knowing that I am part of this exclusive home exchange community that treats me like a family, second whenever I get compliments from satisfied property owners and guests, and third is the thought of having the opportunity to travel the world for less!

Are there any properties or destinations that you keep dreaming about?
Yes, first on the list is Paris - specifically in the heart of Saint-Germain-des-Pres.  I would love to know how it feels to live like a Parisian.  I’m also dreaming about New York.  We have a member property that is perfect to explore New York as it’s in the center of Greenwich Village in Manhattan... And oh, I am also dreaming of this free spirit and travel to Greece. But I have to say, I am saving Italy for my life partner.  I believe Italy is the most fascinating country in the world and it is just so right to share it with your one great love! 

Name your favourite activity outside of family and work.
There are many pastimes I enjoy.  Some that come to mind include: having a movie marathon or simply leaving my windows open to catch a spring breeze and listen to birds singing. I love to sit outside a favourite cafĂ© talking with friends.  Nowadays, I’m also doing 90-minute yoga sessions, which are great!

Any comments or advice for our members to get the best trades possible?
To get the best trades possible, start planning well in advance to get your dream holiday home. Also when visiting a place for exchange, it would be good to book it during low season especially those highly sought after vacation destinations. However, should you wish to go to places during peak times, remember to visit IVHE’s Prime Time which gives you immediate availability that is exclusively for IVHE members, and then start packing your travel bags! 


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