Get to know a little more about each of the International Vacation Home Exchange team. In this post we have a fun interview with Cheryl in Customer Service.
Tell us a little about yourself?
Tell us a little about yourself?
I love to laugh! And I laugh the most when I am with my
grandchildren; these six precious individuals are such a blessing to me.
My husband and adult “kids” will tell you I laugh the hardest at my own
jokes. So what?!
I’m also a Baby Boomer and have had so many neat “careers”! I
have worked as an insurance broker for an international firm, managed an
amateur theatre company, taught literature and languages to high school
students, created a piano studio, and managed a bed and breakfast in an
antebellum mansion in Georgia. Now I am helping couples, friends, and
families connect with locations and homes in locations that provide
unforgettable experiences through IVHE. Yep, it’s the best job so far!
What exactly do you do with
I am new to IVHE, so I’m still learning! I love soliciting
feedback from members who have recently returned from a holiday exchange.
I also update the IVHE website with featured properties. I want to visit
every one of them!
What makes you smile while working with
I smile when I read the feedback from members who have had an
extraordinary holiday. It gives me an opportunity to vicariously
experience their adventure in a wonderful locale, and I am happy to hear that
they loved their experience.
Are there any properties or destinations that you keep
dreaming about?
I have to admit that my favorite country is Italy. As a US
southerner, the people are similar to my own (friendly), and the cuisine is
just yummy. I love the Middle East and Southeast Asia, too; they can
teach us so much about hospitality. Next on my bucket list:
Name your favorite activity outside of family and work.
I have always been a bit of a vagabond. When I was a
youngster, our family moved from Michigan to Florida for my dad’s job.
That was quite an adventure in 1968, and I loved it! We took many family
vacations around the USA, but when I was a student at Florida State University
(Tallahassee, Florida), I had an opportunity to study in Europe. I
pounced on the chance, and after a year in Germany, I was smitten with
international travel. The sights, sounds, flavors and scents of cities
all over the world are intoxicating, but the best experiences involve
people. I have found that people all over the world are the same: They
love their families, are proud of their country, and love to share it with
Any comments or advice for our members to get the best
trades possible?
Go somewhere that makes you slightly uncomfortable. It will
end up being the best holiday you have ever experienced.
Thank you, Cheryl. We love your picture, you are right, what a lovely family. Wonderful to learn more about you. Looking forward to hearing about your planned adventures in Morocco.
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