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Staying Healthy - Tips for the Over-50 Traveler

In America they are called
“Baby Boomers” 
– the generation born between 1946 and 1964. It’s hard to believe, but they have all turned 50 years old.  Many are approaching 70 years of age.

"They are not going to live forever," states Chuck Underhill, president of The Generational Imperative, a consultancy group that monitors generational influences. "Yet their forever-young mentality does not seem to be diminished in the least." 
Of prominent concern and interest to this group is their health: staying physically and mentally fit, looking and feeling healthy, and putting the brakes on the aging process.

According to the National Council on the Aging, many in this group have the financial means to take better care of themselves.  

“Yet all the money in the world can’t buy our youth back,” adds Underhill. 

Smoking, overeating, excessive drinking, drug use, and sun-worshipping has taken its toll on this generation.

So what is the secret to looking and staying younger, especially while travelling or on vacation? 

Here are things one can do to help live healthier, reduce the signs of aging, and feel and look more vibrant, whether at home or on the road:

·  Quit smoking
·  Lose weight, keeping your weight at its appropriate level
·  Exercise at least three times a week, for 30 minutes each session
·  Wear sunscreen every day; avoid tanning booths and suntans
·  Watch the calories and fat in the foods you eat
·  Reduce the sodium in your diet
·  Drink lots of water
·  Limit or reduce your alcohol intake
·  Eat healthy meals and snacks which include lots of fruits and vegetables
·  Take a daily multi-vitamin
·  Get a good night’s sleep
·  Reduce your caffeine -  it has a diuretic effect and causes the body to lose water
·  Use a daily moisturizer on your face, neck, body and hands
·  Reduce the stress in your life by exercise, meditation or yoga
·  Get a yearly medical exam
·  Have a positive attitude (we say take a vacation)

“Clearly when you start hitting middle age, you need to watch your diet and get regular exercise,” says cardiologist Jeremy Nadelmann, M.D., of the Hospital of Saint Raphael in New Haven, Connecticut.

Dr. Nadelmann recommends doing any type of movement and exercise – on a daily basis if possible, making it something you enjoy or else you will not stick to it.

While vacationing, it’s easy (no excuses here!) to get out and walk – the beach, the town, the city streets - or better yet as the above couple are doing go dancing. At many locations, one can partake in swimming, golf, skiing, horseback riding, fishing and scuba. Most important: have fun and enjoy your vacation!


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